Legal incentives
Article 6. Declare exempt from the payment of Import Taxes and other fees, the introduction to the country of agricultural, forestry, industrial, rolling stock, machinery, equipment, tools, agrochemicals, forest research equipment, seeds, stakes and forest plants and others elements necessary for the exclusive use of reforestation, management and / or exploitation of forest plantations. The Ministry of Economy and Finance (previously known as the Ministry of Finance and Treasury) must issue the respective regulations.
“Foreigner who in personal capacity has invested the minimum sum of B / .80,000.00 in forestry reforestation or plantation activities authorized by ANAM, with a minimum of five (5) hectares of investment. This Permit will be for a term of two (2) years, after this period has elapsed the applicant may opt for permanent residence. To include a dependent, you must add the investment of B / .2,000.00 for each dependent, which can be justified by local bank reference ”
“For more information on the requirements to obtain these benefits download the pdf documents thank you very much.”